Where: Žmauc
What: cafe au lait
This week, Trubar street will resume being rad – Trubar green market is back on track (and we’ll be there with our cookbook swap). The girl responsible for it, among others, is Nika van Berkel. Almost done with architecture school, she is ueber busy with passing exams and working for prostoRož team. She loves wheat beer and … Dutchmen.
Why Trubar street green market? What is its aim?
A few establishments in Trubar street approached us to launch Trubar street revival, and so we did. This street in hardcore downtown is highly commutable, people just rush by. With Wednesday organic market and other such events we wanted to give passers by a reason to stop and take back the street for themselves.
The market was supposed to run between May and October. However it stopped in July and August. Why the Summer pause?
A lot of local organic farmers lamented this year’s harvest has been incredibly sparse. Add the record-breaking heat, and there were less visitors too. Thus we decided to put a pause on the market until this week, so we are resuming this Wednesday at noon.
Beer or wine?
Beer, mostly wheat beer due to its tasty body and flavour.
Coffee or tea?
Black Nepalese or green Japanese tea in the morning to wake me up.
Where do you shop for groceries?
If I can, at the farmers market, otherwise at the store.
Do you cook by yourself?
Yes, I am eager to try new cooking endeavors.
Favourite Ljubljana cafes and restaurants?
Odprta kuhna, Gostilnica XXI, Okrep?evalnica Repete, Shambala, Gostilna dela, Hood burger, Bazilika, Piknik, Pri zelenem zajcu, BiKoFe, TOZD, LP, Moj žep … I probably missed some as there is tons of options.
If you could, who would you love to cook with?
Anthony Bourdain because he kicks a*s and Rudolph van Veen because he is Dutch. 🙂
Anything in Ljubljana dining scene you miss from abroad?
More events like Odprta kuhna where people can hang around; more affordable organic specialty stores that support local farmers; and more healthy street food with appealing design.
Thanks for reading!
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